The Making of Motorcycle Riders Hub – Promo Video (part 2)
Swinging into action entailed detailed planning, calling in some friends and some friends of friends. Especially now that we had a plan and a timetable, we needed to pull this together with military precision and very quickly indeed. I think I used up all of my favours in less than 24 hours!
What was and what wasn’t realistic?
First of all we had to decide what was realistic in the plan. We spoke in depth about what we could physically achieve, what was a must to have and what was on the wishlist. It had to be achievable for everyone and the weather had to be kind to us on our chosen outdoor filming days.
With the final decisions made, we needed three riders who had passed their test and had their own bikes (all different to each other). They had to be different age groups, sex and a unique reason for riding.
They’d need completely different motorcycles of various sizes and of course they would all need a theme in which we could incorporate into the filming.
Calum’s job was to come up with a script that would work and make people believe what was being said without speaking, voice-over, or subtitles.
Locations had to be found and sorted out, venues and dates was an easier task than finding people to give up work or days off and attend when we needed them. Saying that, it is always a challenge as you hit stumbling blocks.
All we needed now was good weather but for the inside filming it didn’t have to be good.
Calum pulled it off
Working out timings with Calum took some doing as some venues were busy and we had to be there early or work late on the weekend when offices were quiet. This task was taken on with eagerness and was never going to fail, it took some doing and was executed brilliantly.
Everyone involved chipped in, mucked in and rolled their sleeves up to make it happen.
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Finding the people for the job
This task wasn’t an easy one either. I had to find the cast, a simple thing to say but not so easy to pull off.
Firstly I had a strict timetable to adhere to, the weather played a huge part in the times and days we could get filming done to the standard of the filming guru. People still had jobs to do, they couldn’t just drop everything at such short notice. But as everyone was on side, it worked out really well and they all said they’d help out.
One in, all in
As we started filming it was evident that everyone was 100% committed, with early mornings, long days, late nights, and taking over people’s homes, businesses, and premises.
We eventually had all the filming we needed for Calum to go to the drawing board and start editing. This was going to be a really tough task for one person to pull off in a short space of time, he was going to have to lock himself away and burn the midnight candle for the rest of the week.
We were all ecstatic and elated that we’d pulled it off. It was a difficult task but with help, dogged determination and a willingness by all, we pulled off a remarkable achievement.