Advanced Riding Consultant & Motorcycle Instructor
I am a retired Chief Inspector; Having worked for West Midlands Police for 32 years in total. During my tenure, I have been able to experience a range of Driving and Motorcycle disciplines that have increased my knowledge around all things motorised; and enhanced my driver skills to a very high standard.
These skills include advanced graded driving and motorcycling, Pursuit training and management, Convoy and escort duties. Also covert driving techniques to name but a few. I have held those advanced disciplines for 26 years.
I have been riding motorcycles since 1994. Since obtaining my police motorcycle grade in 2000, I had been actively working as an observer for West Midlands Bikesafe up until my retirement in 2020.
Promoting road safety and providing insight into what it takes to ride safely on all types of roads. This has extended into the private sector working alongside RMT Motorcycle Training as an associate for Take Control (initial basic advanced riding skills) and first phase ERS training.
In addition to this, I have completed CBT motorcycle instructor training with a view to extending what I have learnt over time to those just starting out on their two wheeled journey.
I have a passion for outdoor life and outdoor adventures of all types. I have completed a 4000 mile journey around Europe, driven across America and much more. I enjoy motorcycle touring and have helped out as an advanced instructor on a number of European Tours in the past decade.
I have recently walked across England from coast to coast. I believe life is about adventure no matter what guise it takes. Learning how to do these things safely is an important component in enjoying any trip you choose to undertake.
-- Midlands
-- 1994
-- BMW R1200GS
My first bike was a Honda CBR 600. A scary move having just passed my DVSA basic motorcycle test.
I remember just looking at it for hours when it was delivered thinking “how am I supposed to ride that.” That soon passed and once I got used to it I was hooked.
A word of warning mind! With that inexperience came disaster. During winter riding I ran out of talent resulting in a high side almost destroying the bike. I learnt some valuable lessons that day!
Most importantly, making sure that my insurance was fit for purpose. I made the mistake of having third party fire and theft rather than fully comprehensive.
I found out that building bikes out of your own pocket is not for the faint hearted!
I have had a number of bikes since then; including a Suzuki RMX 250, Kawasaki 7x7R, 2x Honda Blackbirds, Kawasaki ZX10r, Kawasaki ZZR1400 and my current bike of choice BMW GSA1200.
Most people think that making progress is about speed. When actually it’s about planning. Learning the language of the road is a key skill in getting you from A to B in the safest possible way.
I really enjoy passing on the skills that I have been so fortunate to experience in my time in the police. Passing on my knowledge to those just starting out to those with a few miles under their belt is a passion and a privilege.
We are never too old to learn new techniques. I have recently finished an off road driving course that should equip me in the future when I take my driving adventures to the next level.
I have seen the devastation that road traffic collisions cause. Inappropriate, inconsiderate, dangerous and reckless driving can easily be avoided with the proper training and understanding of what it takes to be responsible on our roads.
I take pride in knowing that what I teach is able to educate people and change the way in which they look at their own riding technique. Which in turn means that the likelihood of them returning home to their loved ones at the end of the day is increased.
What’s not to like about that?
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