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Generally speaking, they cost a lot less to purchase, tax and insure than cars, and taking into account the cost of learning, offer a far cheaper route for getting you on the road.
Parking is more accessible and less expensive and provides easier travel, as you can manoeuvre through traffic congestion a lot quicker than sitting in a car.
These benefits also offer a greener mode of transport.
Investing in good protective motorcycle clothing and a commitment to professional motorcycle training, are important factors for your ongoing safety.
Once you have completed the CBT and DAS test, you are in a position to ride any motorcycle unaccompanied, with a pillion passenger and can use the motorway.
Passing the basic motorcycle test does not prepare you for the real world. You are not going to potter around local test areas and spend lengthy periods of time riding in car parks.
You are more likely to want to go out riding with friends and visit different places and head to the coast for the day.
Your training towards passing your motorcycle test was adequate enough to pass the test but will not get you ready for big journeys and long days ahead riding on today’s demanding roads.
You really must consider further training to increase your own riding ability. The CBT, Module 1 and Module 2 motorcycle tests are just the beginning.
All Courses Included:
● Mod 1 Course
● Advanced Course
● Slow Control Course
● Theory Test Academy
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