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The examiner follows you to see how you cope with different scenarios regarding your forward planning and awareness.
You should use good vision and judgment to make the correct decisions to avoid dangers ahead.
There is nothing wrong with bringing the motorcycle to a halt if the situation requires it.
The examiner will also look at how good your judgement is when you are passing or overtaking other vehicles.
You need plenty of room to allow for car doors that might open, also looking out for oncoming vehicles and how you move back into a safe return position.
If you do filter it requires that you have good judgement of space and the decisions you make keep you safe while passing stationary vehicles
Crucial to all judgement is your use of observations, the examiner will expect to see lifesavers, mirror checks and rear observations when required.
Good judgement is also crucial in manoeuvres that involve crossing the path of other vehicles e.g. turning right into a side road.
All Courses Included:
● Mod 1 Course
● Advanced Course
● Slow Control Course
● Theory Test Academy
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