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You may find it challenging and with much higher risks. In rush hour car drivers can be in their own bubble and be blissfully unaware of you on your motorcycle.
Commuters can be half asleep and during the winter months many fail to clear their car windows properly, leaving the heater to do its work once the car warms up.
Drivers are enclosed in their own little world with their own distractions, such as mobile phones, music, passengers and even just the ability to day-dream while in their car.
Rider responsibility and defensive riding are key areas to reduce your risk.
The CBT is just the start, you are urged to take further training to ensure you are safe on today’s busy and congested roads.
For many road users, road congestion can make short journeys both time consuming and frustrating.
They are more inclined to challenge for position, stop you filtering past and get road rage while stuck in traffic.
You must take this into consideration and stay calm and relaxed, knowing that others will be frustrated and angry if they are not moving.
You should never rush and challenge anyone for the same road space.
In a 30mph speed limit, a 50cc machine should have sufficient power, but on a 40mph road it may struggle to keep up with the traffic flow and you will be more vulnerable as a result.
To prevent heightened risk, you must have very good forward observation and forward planning to avoid any unwanted incidents.
RIDE DEFENSIVELYYou have to adopt a defensive riding manner for every journey, you are at your most vulnerable as a new rider and the fact that you have limited experience is a challenge.
Riding a motorcycle in heavy traffic and congestion isn’t easy.
You should never take risks and always know that larger vehicles always take priority.
All Courses Included:
● Mod 1 Course
● Mod 2 Course
● Advanced Course
● Slow Control Course
● Theory Test Academy
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