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If you use the front brake to stop as a result you will overload the front suspension which will affect your balance.
You are also unlikely to be in the best position to negotiate the junction correctly. This can result in you steering wide and even veering on to the wrong side of the road, which can be very dangerous.
Another risk associated with looking late and making a late and quick decision, is that it can result in you dropping the motorcycle.
If it is safe you may proceed but if your decision was to stop, you have time to work on a number of essential things.
When stopping, you need to look forward and locate the correct place to stop.
This will also allow you to go down into first gear in preparation to pull away safely and finally you will stop in the safety of your own lane, behind the white line.
All Courses Included:
● Mod 1 Course
● Mod 2 Course
● Advanced Course
● Slow Control Course
● Theory Test Academy
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