Breakfast in the Chateau again and a spot of sightseeing organised for the day. The day consisted of visiting the landing beaches of Utah, Juno, Gold and Sword to get a flavour of Normandy for a future trip for visiting and seeing the area in more detail.
Lunch was booked at Barneville-Carteret, if possible we would purchase fresh lobsters from a local fisherman ready for the pot when we get back to the Chateau for the evening meal. It didn’t happen as planned, so we found a local shop and purchased ready cooked whole lobsters, once again more champagne was necessary to wash it down.
It was a great end to the last day in France, the weather had been kind and we were once again well fed. The French certainly know how to eat and the food is amazing if you know where to look. Most people from the UK don’t eat fresh fish or seafood as it is not on their home cooked menu, I’ve also found most people do not know how to eat a fresh crab or fillet a whole fish that is presented to them.
I get a lot of pleasure from helping people experience what I love and teaching them how to eat a fish off the bone, crack open a whole fresh crab or eat something different. This is why our trips have been nicknamed the gastro tours.