This manoeuvre is also referred to as a left turn, from a minor to a major road. The most common junctions for learner riders to negotiate are T-Junctions and side roads.
As with all junctions, the OSMPSL routine is key, along with slowing down in plenty of time, looking into the junction early and ensuring the optimum road position to either stop or ride forward.
Junctions take time and lots of practise to perfect, you are encouraged to be patient and to keep safety in mind at all times. Be aware of other vehicles trying to overtake at the junction.
A Professional Wing Walker takes to the road instead of the sky! I enjoyed how it was broken down into bite size chunks."
"It can be overwhelming learning to ride. It was really helpful to study before I attended the practical training."
" I found it easy to use, especially seeing the different riding perspectives in the videos.."
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