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Motorcyclists must take responsibility for their own actions

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Motorcyclists must take responsibility for their own actions

Motorcyclists must take responsibility for their own actions

Motorcycle riders should take responsibility when riding for many reasons. There is a common thought that car drivers are very poor at moving around the road and causing all the accidents.

Who is to blame?

The fact is that motorcycles are much harder to see, they go fast, they are much smaller than other vehicles and some riders disregard the safety of themselves and others in search of excitement.

Motorcyclists must take responsibility for their own actions when riding. Shifting the blame will not increase ability levels as it puts the onus on other people and not the person riding the bike.


Motorcycle riding can have its dangers, riders are more vulnerable and prone to greater injuries than drivers of cars or other vehicles. This is because they do not have roll cages, air bags, crumple zones and seat belts.

Motorcyclists must take responsibility when riding to minimise their risks. They can do this a number of ways but by following traffic rules and regulations, they can remain safer. Wearing appropriate motorcycle safety gear is important in the event of an accident and to protect against inclement weather conditions.


In general people do not like to be made accountable, it means they have to do something. But when it comes to riding a motorcycle, riders must be accountable for their own actions.

Riders often blame everyone else on the road for problems that they are involved in. It’s too easy to put the blame on someone else and not be accountable for your own actions.

Motorcycles can be quicker to get up to speed than cars, which can be intimidating to other drivers on the road. By taking responsibility, riders can ensure that they are not causing unnecessary risk to themselves or others.

Legal obligations

To further reduce risk and to take responsibility, riders have a legal obligation to follow the rules and regulations of the highway code. Knowing the traffic laws, along with the do’s and dont’s it is important to understand how to conduct oneself on the public road.

This includes wearing a helmet, having the required licence to ride the motorcycle you are on, and obeying traffic signals and signs. By taking responsibility, you will avoid legal penalties such as fines or licence suspension.


Motorcyclists often have a very bad reputation. This is because of excessive speed, dangerous overtaking perceived by car drivers and filtering through stationary traffic.

Riders are too often seen as risk-takers and irresponsible. This can have further damage to an already low reputation. Unfortunately the masses are tarred with the same brush and the minority, but the bad reputation sticks.

By taking responsibility, you can help change this stereotype and promote a more positive image of motorcycle riders. Take into account the speed limits, only overtake when the risk is as low as possible and know the race track is somewhere to find out yours and the bikes maximum performance – not the road.

The dangers when riding a motorcycle

Riding a motorcycle can be an enjoyable and a thrilling experience but it also comes with several inherent dangers. The risk can be reduced in many ways but depending on where you are in your journey, risk comes in all shapes and sizes.

Take a new rider as an example, they will be vulnerable as they have limited skills and ability. They usually lack confidence and as a result do not look that stable at times when they are riding. Their risk is significantly higher than someone who has been riding a long time.

But in contrast, the person who has ridden for many years might take unnecessary risks because they are thrill seeking or they have got into bad habits. Most riders who have been riding a long time push their own boundaries when it comes to cornering and overtaking. This is in the search of the adrenaline rush, but all too often it doesn’t end particularly well.


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Some of the most significant dangers of riding a motorcycle include:

Lack of protection

Unlike cars or other vehicles, motorcycles offer little to no protection to riders in the event of a collision. This means that riders are much more likely to suffer serious injuries or fatalities in accidents.

Difficulty with visibility

Motorcycles are smaller and harder to see than other vehicles on the road, especially in heavy traffic or poor light and weather conditions. This can make it more challenging for drivers to see or anticipate what a rider is about to do next.

Road conditions

Road conditions such as potholes, loose gravel and  debris can be dangerous for the grip of a motorcycle on the road. Drivers of cars and other four wheeled vehicles do not have to contend with this. These hazards can cause a loss of grip and control, which can lead to accidents.

Reckless or distracted drivers 

Drivers of cars and trucks can pose a significant danger to motorcycle riders if they are reckless or distracted. For example, a driver who is texting or speeding may not see a motorcycle until it is too late, which can cause a collision if the rider is not fully aware of their surroundings.

Inexperience or lack of training

Riding a motorcycle requires a specific set of skills and knowledge that are not always intuitive to new riders. Without proper education and training new riders will not gain the experience they need. Riders may be more likely to make mistakes or engage in unsafe behaviours if their training is rushed or low level.

Riding a motorcycle requires a high level of skill and awareness. It is important for riders to take steps to minimise risks, they must ride defensively and take responsibility for their own actions.

Why motorcyclists are more at risk

New riders are more at risk and are more likely to not know what has caused a problem. Their lack of skills makes it more difficult to control the bike at higher and lower speeds.

A nice story to remember, a new rider starts with two bags, one bag is for skill and the other bag is for luck. The rider starts with a full bag of luck and the bag of skill is empty. The goal for the new rider is to fill the bag of skill before they run out of luck!

Size and being seen

Motorcycles are smaller and can be much more difficult to see than other vehicles on the road. The bikes size and the fact that motorcycles only account for 1% of traffic means they are less likely to be seen.


Motorcycles are more agile and manoeuvrable than cars, but this can also make them more difficult to control, especially for inexperienced riders. Sudden movements or changes in direction can lead to a lack of grip and adhesion on the road surface.


Motorcycles can accelerate quickly and reach high speeds, which can be exhilarating but also dangerous. Speeding and a lack of control because of speeding is a common factor in motorcycle accidents.

Weather conditions

Motorcycles are more vulnerable to weather conditions such as rain, wind, ice and snow. Slippery roads can make it difficult to control the bike and increase the risk of incidents.


Overall, riding a motorcycle requires a high level of skill and experience to eliminate any risks. But riders are renowned for thrill seeking and looking for an adrenaline rush. This can be the downfall of a new rider as they get sucked along by the crowd and succumb to peer pressure.

Taking responsibility for your own actions is important to development. Blaming others when something goes wrong is a normal reaction, however riders must be absolutely truthful in the event of incidents and share some of the blame. Afterall there wasn’t anyone else riding your motorcycle when things went wrong!

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