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Cat Fuerteventura tour


About Cat

Cat Weatherill is a best-selling author and storyteller.

After several thousand miles riding pillion around southern India on a series of Enfield Bullet 500s, Cat decided to train for a licence of her own. She fell in love with the Suzuki Gladius during her training and bought one the day she passed her MOD2. A week later, she set off on a 500 mile solo road trip to south Devon and has never looked back.

She is passionate about encouraging women to begin motorcycling and is currently writing a book to help anxious learners feel more confident.

Stats about Cat



Passed Test


Current Bike

Suzuki Gladius 650

Dream Bike


Cat's Tour Wall

Favourite Place & Why?

Constant sensory overload, especially the glorious scents - riding through coffee plantations, eucalyptus forests, the spice farms of the Cardamon Hills, the tea plantations of Kerala

Tour Dislikes

Cold mornings

Best Tour & Why?

Southern India
Constant sensory overload, especially the glorious scents - riding through coffee plantations, eucalyptus forests, the spice farms of the Cardamon Hills, the tea plantations of Kerala

Dream Tour

Bhutan, Chile

Biggest tour mistake

Not packing a base layer. India can be 35 degrees in the day but still brutally cold at night and in the mornings, especially in the mountains.

Must take touring item/s

Portable water heater & tea bags

Tour Likes

Wayside cafes, local shops, local food

Reason to tour

Seeing real people in real landscapes

Next Tour/s planned

Route 125 Sardinia

Cat Weatherill's Tour Diaries

Fuerteventura, the Canary Islands
Lanzarote: My First Hairpin Mountain Ascent, December 2021
My First Road Trip: South Devon
Passing The Motorcycle Test
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