Suggested kit list when riding abroad
This suggested kit list is only a base or starting point of items that you should think about taking on a tour. It is by no means a consolidated list or a must take list of items but it outlines what you may need if you are travelling abroad for a period of time.
It also depends on how long you are going away and to where, if it is hot or cold you may need to rethink what you need to take with you. This list is for riders who are staying in accommodation for their tour and does not include any camping equipment.
If you think there is anything missing from the list please let us know and we will add it to help others who are travelling abroad.
- V5
- Insurance certificate
- Tax
- Driving licence
- Passport
- EHIC or equivalent
- Green card (if applicable)
- Travel (ferry) tickets
- Breakdown cover
- Medical Insurance
- Photocopy of docs
- Maps
- Tool kit (small)
- Duct & Electrical tape
- Cable ties
- Hi-viz vest
- Clutch lever – spare
- Brake lever – spare
- Spare Bulbs
- Torch
- Chain lube
- Chain or disc lock and wire rope*
- Visor cleaner & E-cloth
- Spare key (to give to your buddy)
- Puncture repair kit / tyre weld
- Rad weld
- Side-stand puck
- Waterproofs
- Plastic bags (for dirty or wet clothes)
- Jeans / trousers / shorts
- Underwear / sleeping shorts
- T-Shirts
- Tops / long sleeve / thin silk
- Shoes / trainers
- Flip flops (for shower)
- Toiletries
- Tracksuit top / warm jumper
- Sunglasses
- Spare motorcycle gloves (in case your others get wet)
- Waterproofs / Gore Tex
Other Items
- Camera & chargers
- Plug adaptor
- Mobile phone charger
- Helmet cam
- Tablet / iPad
- Ear plugs
- Video recorder – Bike camRadio communication
- Portable power pack
- Air compressor
*NB – A wire rope and lock is good for securing your helmet and jacket to your bike whilst you are on the ferry.